What to Expect
We are dedicated to following the pattern of the church that we see in the New Testament. Our worship is structured accordingly. Every Sunday, we pray to God, read the Bible, sing as a group without instruments, share the Lord's Supper, give to support the church, and listen to a lesson from the Bible.
Our Worship
From the time you walk in for Sunday morning worship until the time you leave, here is what you will see us do!
Welcome to worship! You are welcome to arrive a few minutes earlier than the scheduled start time. You will be greeted by people who are happy to have you. Find a seat in the auditorium!
Our services start with some announcements to keep the church up to date on church events, members who are sick, and prayer requests.
We'll sing some songs throughout the service. Sometimes, the church may be asked to stand. If you're uncomfortable singing or standing, feel free to just sit and listen!
There will be a prayer, where one person leads the church to the foot of God's throne.
Someone will read a short passage from the Bible that will relate to the sermon.
A member will present a lesson from the Bible about God, the Bible, how to be a Christian, or some related topic. The church will stand up and sing a song afterwards.
Then we will have the Lord's supper. Unleavened bread and grape juice (the Fruit of the Vine) will be prayed over and passed out. This is a memorial of Christ's death, which took our sins away. Feel free to participate if you so desire!
Members of the church will then put money in baskets to support the church. As a visitor, you are not expected to contribute!
A member will say a final prayer. After that, worship is over! Please stay around and let us get to know you!
Classes for all ages
Our classes are a deep dive into some part of the Bible. There will be discussion and audience participation. During this time, kids and adults have separate classes, but you are welcome to keep your children with you in the adult class if you prefer!
We offer Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes for a variety of ages including cradle roll, preschool, elementary, junior high, high school, and college age students. Adult classes are offered in the main auditorium.
During the winter months, a Wednesday morning Bible class is offered from 10:30 - 11:30 AM for those who cannot attend evening Bible Study. ​Additionally, a Thursday morning ladies Bible class meets from 10:00 - 11:00 AM in the fall and spring. Please call the office for more information.
For parents
We love children here at Norval Park! We have activity bags for children during services if you would like to use them. They are hanging on a rack in the lobby. Feel free to take as many as you need during worship!
We also have a nursery near the auditorium where you can take care of your little ones in quiet. The nursery is connected to the audio system, so you can hear the worship service while caring for your children.